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Creating Expressions#

In this notebook, we look at different options to create expressions. A strong focus will be set on the array-like operations: Since variables are represented in array-like structure, we benefit from a lot of well-knwon functionalities which we know from numpy, pandas or xarray.

These are for example

  • arithmetic operations to create expressions

  • broadcasting to combine smaller and larger arrays

  • .loc to select a subset of the original array using indexes

  • .where to select where the variable or expression should be active or not

  • .shift to shift the whole array along one dimension

  • .groupby to group by a key and apply operations on the groups

  • .rolling to perform a rolling operation and perform operations


Nearly all of the functions and properties, that can be accessed from a Variable, can be accesses from a LinearExpression and QuadraticExpression.

Let’s start by creating a model.

import linopy
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr

time = pd.Index(range(10), name='time')
port = pd.Index(list('abcd'), name='port')

m = linopy.Model()
x = m.add_variables(lower=0, coords=[time], name='x')
y = m.add_variables(lower=0, coords=[time, port], name='y')
Linopy LP model

 * x (time)
 * y (time, port)



Arithmetic Operations#

Arithmetic operations such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*) can be used directly on the variables and expressions in Linopy. These operations are applied element-wise on the variables.

For example, if you want to create a new combined expr z that is the sum of x and y, you can do so as follows:

z = x + y
LinearExpression (time: 10, port: 4):
[0, a]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[0, a]
[0, b]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[0, b]
[0, c]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[0, c]
[0, d]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[0, d]
[1, a]: +1 x[1] + 1 y[1, a]
[1, b]: +1 x[1] + 1 y[1, b]
[1, c]: +1 x[1] + 1 y[1, c]
[8, b]: +1 x[8] + 1 y[8, b]
[8, c]: +1 x[8] + 1 y[8, c]
[8, d]: +1 x[8] + 1 y[8, d]
[9, a]: +1 x[9] + 1 y[9, a]
[9, b]: +1 x[9] + 1 y[9, b]
[9, c]: +1 x[9] + 1 y[9, c]
[9, d]: +1 x[9] + 1 y[9, d]


In the addition, the variable x is broadcasted and the return value has the same set of dimensions as y.

Similarly, you can subtract y from x or multiply x and y as follows:

z = x - y
LinearExpression (time: 10, port: 4):
[0, a]: +1 x[0] - 1 y[0, a]
[0, b]: +1 x[0] - 1 y[0, b]
[0, c]: +1 x[0] - 1 y[0, c]
[0, d]: +1 x[0] - 1 y[0, d]
[1, a]: +1 x[1] - 1 y[1, a]
[1, b]: +1 x[1] - 1 y[1, b]
[1, c]: +1 x[1] - 1 y[1, c]
[8, b]: +1 x[8] - 1 y[8, b]
[8, c]: +1 x[8] - 1 y[8, c]
[8, d]: +1 x[8] - 1 y[8, d]
[9, a]: +1 x[9] - 1 y[9, a]
[9, b]: +1 x[9] - 1 y[9, b]
[9, c]: +1 x[9] - 1 y[9, c]
[9, d]: +1 x[9] - 1 y[9, d]
z = x * y
QuadraticExpression (time: 10, port: 4):
[0, a]: +1 x[0] y[0, a]
[0, b]: +1 x[0] y[0, b]
[0, c]: +1 x[0] y[0, c]
[0, d]: +1 x[0] y[0, d]
[1, a]: +1 x[1] y[1, a]
[1, b]: +1 x[1] y[1, b]
[1, c]: +1 x[1] y[1, c]
[8, b]: +1 x[8] y[8, b]
[8, c]: +1 x[8] y[8, c]
[8, d]: +1 x[8] y[8, d]
[9, a]: +1 x[9] y[9, a]
[9, b]: +1 x[9] y[9, b]
[9, c]: +1 x[9] y[9, c]
[9, d]: +1 x[9] y[9, d]

In all cases, the returned shape is the same. Note that, the output type of the multiplication is a QuadraticExpression and not a LinearExpression.

The z expression, which carries along x and y, has different attributes such as coord_dims, dims, size.

('time', 'port')


When combining variables or expression with dimensions of the same name and size, the first object will determine the coordinates of the resulting expression. For example:

other_time = pd.Index(range(10, 20), name='time')
b = m.add_variables(coords=[other_time], name='b')
Variable (time: 10)
[10]: b[10] ∈ [-inf, inf]
[11]: b[11] ∈ [-inf, inf]
[12]: b[12] ∈ [-inf, inf]
[13]: b[13] ∈ [-inf, inf]
[14]: b[14] ∈ [-inf, inf]
[15]: b[15] ∈ [-inf, inf]
[16]: b[16] ∈ [-inf, inf]
[17]: b[17] ∈ [-inf, inf]
[18]: b[18] ∈ [-inf, inf]
[19]: b[19] ∈ [-inf, inf]

b has the same shape as x, but they have different coordinates. When we combine x and b the coordinates on dimension time will be taken from the first object and the coordinates of the subsequent object will be ignored:

x + b
LinearExpression (time: 10):
[0]: +1 x[0] + 1 b[10]
[1]: +1 x[1] + 1 b[11]
[2]: +1 x[2] + 1 b[12]
[3]: +1 x[3] + 1 b[13]
[4]: +1 x[4] + 1 b[14]
[5]: +1 x[5] + 1 b[15]
[6]: +1 x[6] + 1 b[16]
[7]: +1 x[7] + 1 b[17]
[8]: +1 x[8] + 1 b[18]
[9]: +1 x[9] + 1 b[19]

Using .loc to select a subset#

The .loc function allows you to select a subset of the array using indexes. This is useful when you want to apply operations to a specific subset of your variables.

For example, if you want to apply a summation to the variables x and y only for the first 5 time steps, you can do so as follows:

Variable (time: 6)
[0]: x[0] ∈ [0, inf]
[1]: x[1] ∈ [0, inf]
[2]: x[2] ∈ [0, inf]
[3]: x[3] ∈ [0, inf]
[4]: x[4] ∈ [0, inf]
[5]: x[5] ∈ [0, inf]
x.loc[:5] + y.loc[:5]
LinearExpression (time: 6, port: 4):
[0, a]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[0, a]
[0, b]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[0, b]
[0, c]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[0, c]
[0, d]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[0, d]
[1, a]: +1 x[1] + 1 y[1, a]
[1, b]: +1 x[1] + 1 y[1, b]
[1, c]: +1 x[1] + 1 y[1, c]
[4, b]: +1 x[4] + 1 y[4, b]
[4, c]: +1 x[4] + 1 y[4, c]
[4, d]: +1 x[4] + 1 y[4, d]
[5, a]: +1 x[5] + 1 y[5, a]
[5, b]: +1 x[5] + 1 y[5, b]
[5, c]: +1 x[5] + 1 y[5, c]
[5, d]: +1 x[5] + 1 y[5, d]

which is the same as

expr = x + y
LinearExpression (time: 6, port: 4):
[0, a]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[0, a]
[0, b]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[0, b]
[0, c]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[0, c]
[0, d]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[0, d]
[1, a]: +1 x[1] + 1 y[1, a]
[1, b]: +1 x[1] + 1 y[1, b]
[1, c]: +1 x[1] + 1 y[1, c]
[4, b]: +1 x[4] + 1 y[4, b]
[4, c]: +1 x[4] + 1 y[4, c]
[4, d]: +1 x[4] + 1 y[4, d]
[5, a]: +1 x[5] + 1 y[5, a]
[5, b]: +1 x[5] + 1 y[5, b]
[5, c]: +1 x[5] + 1 y[5, c]
[5, d]: +1 x[5] + 1 y[5, d]

In combination with the overwrite of the coordinates, this is useful when you need to combine different selections, like

x.loc[:4] + y.loc[5:]
LinearExpression (time: 5, port: 4):
[0, a]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[5, a]
[0, b]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[5, b]
[0, c]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[5, c]
[0, d]: +1 x[0] + 1 y[5, d]
[1, a]: +1 x[1] + 1 y[6, a]
[1, b]: +1 x[1] + 1 y[6, b]
[1, c]: +1 x[1] + 1 y[6, c]
[3, b]: +1 x[3] + 1 y[8, b]
[3, c]: +1 x[3] + 1 y[8, c]
[3, d]: +1 x[3] + 1 y[8, d]
[4, a]: +1 x[4] + 1 y[9, a]
[4, b]: +1 x[4] + 1 y[9, b]
[4, c]: +1 x[4] + 1 y[9, c]
[4, d]: +1 x[4] + 1 y[9, d]

Using .where to select active variables or expressions#

The .where function allows you to select where the variable or expression should be active or not. This is useful when you want to apply constraints or operations only to a specific subset of your variables based on a condition. It is quite similar to the functionality of masking, that we showed earlier.

For example, if you want to create an sum of the variables x and y where time is greater than 2, you can do so as follows:

mask = xr.DataArray(time > 2, coords=[time])
(x + y).where(mask)
LinearExpression (time: 10, port: 4):
[0, a]: None
[0, b]: None
[0, c]: None
[0, d]: None
[1, a]: None
[1, b]: None
[1, c]: None
[8, b]: +1 x[8] + 1 y[8, b]
[8, c]: +1 x[8] + 1 y[8, c]
[8, d]: +1 x[8] + 1 y[8, d]
[9, a]: +1 x[9] + 1 y[9, a]
[9, b]: +1 x[9] + 1 y[9, b]
[9, c]: +1 x[9] + 1 y[9, c]
[9, d]: +1 x[9] + 1 y[9, d]

We can use this to make a conditional summation:

(x + y).where(mask) + xr.DataArray(5, coords=[time]).where(~mask, 0)
LinearExpression (time: 10, port: 4):
[0, a]: +5
[0, b]: +5
[0, c]: +5
[0, d]: +5
[1, a]: +5
[1, b]: +5
[1, c]: +5
[8, b]: +1 x[8] + 1 y[8, b]
[8, c]: +1 x[8] + 1 y[8, c]
[8, d]: +1 x[8] + 1 y[8, d]
[9, a]: +1 x[9] + 1 y[9, a]
[9, b]: +1 x[9] + 1 y[9, b]
[9, c]: +1 x[9] + 1 y[9, c]
[9, d]: +1 x[9] + 1 y[9, d]

Using .shift to shift the Variable along one dimension#

The .shift function allows you to shift the whole array along one dimension. This is useful when you want to apply constraints or operations that involve a time delay or a shift in the time steps.

For example, if you want to apply a constraint that involves a one time step delay in the variables x and y, you can do so as follows:

y - y.shift(time=1)
LinearExpression (time: 10, port: 4):
[0, a]: +1 y[0, a]
[0, b]: +1 y[0, b]
[0, c]: +1 y[0, c]
[0, d]: +1 y[0, d]
[1, a]: +1 y[1, a] - 1 y[0, a]
[1, b]: +1 y[1, b] - 1 y[0, b]
[1, c]: +1 y[1, c] - 1 y[0, c]
[8, b]: +1 y[8, b] - 1 y[7, b]
[8, c]: +1 y[8, c] - 1 y[7, c]
[8, d]: +1 y[8, d] - 1 y[7, d]
[9, a]: +1 y[9, a] - 1 y[8, a]
[9, b]: +1 y[9, b] - 1 y[8, b]
[9, c]: +1 y[9, c] - 1 y[8, c]
[9, d]: +1 y[9, d] - 1 y[8, d]

Using .groupby to group by a key and apply operations on the groups#

The .groupby function allows you to group by a key and apply operations on the groups. This is useful when you want to apply constraints or operations that involve a grouping of the time steps or any other dimension.

For example, if you want to apply a constraint that involves the sum of x and y over every two time steps, you can do so as follows:

group_key = pd.Series(time.values // 2, index=time)
(x + y).groupby(group_key).sum()
LinearExpression (port: 4, group: 5):
[a, 0]: +1 x[0] + 1 x[1] + 1 y[0, a] + 1 y[1, a]
[a, 1]: +1 x[2] + 1 x[3] + 1 y[2, a] + 1 y[3, a]
[a, 2]: +1 x[4] + 1 x[5] + 1 y[4, a] + 1 y[5, a]
[a, 3]: +1 x[6] + 1 x[7] + 1 y[6, a] + 1 y[7, a]
[a, 4]: +1 x[8] + 1 x[9] + 1 y[8, a] + 1 y[9, a]
[b, 0]: +1 x[0] + 1 x[1] + 1 y[0, b] + 1 y[1, b]
[b, 1]: +1 x[2] + 1 x[3] + 1 y[2, b] + 1 y[3, b]
[c, 3]: +1 x[6] + 1 x[7] + 1 y[6, c] + 1 y[7, c]
[c, 4]: +1 x[8] + 1 x[9] + 1 y[8, c] + 1 y[9, c]
[d, 0]: +1 x[0] + 1 x[1] + 1 y[0, d] + 1 y[1, d]
[d, 1]: +1 x[2] + 1 x[3] + 1 y[2, d] + 1 y[3, d]
[d, 2]: +1 x[4] + 1 x[5] + 1 y[4, d] + 1 y[5, d]
[d, 3]: +1 x[6] + 1 x[7] + 1 y[6, d] + 1 y[7, d]
[d, 4]: +1 x[8] + 1 x[9] + 1 y[8, d] + 1 y[9, d]

Using .rolling to perform a rolling operation#

The .rolling function allows you to perform a rolling operation and apply operations. This is useful when you want to apply constraints or operations that involve a rolling window of the time steps or any other dimension.

For example, if you want to apply a constraint that involves the sum of x over a rolling window of 3 time steps, you can do so as follows:

LinearExpression (time: 10):
[0]: +1 x[0]
[1]: +1 x[0] + 1 x[1]
[2]: +1 x[0] + 1 x[1] + 1 x[2]
[3]: +1 x[1] + 1 x[2] + 1 x[3]
[4]: +1 x[2] + 1 x[3] + 1 x[4]
[5]: +1 x[3] + 1 x[4] + 1 x[5]
[6]: +1 x[4] + 1 x[5] + 1 x[6]
[7]: +1 x[5] + 1 x[6] + 1 x[7]
[8]: +1 x[6] + 1 x[7] + 1 x[8]
[9]: +1 x[7] + 1 x[8] + 1 x[9]