

LinearExpression.groupby(group, squeeze=True, restore_coord_dims=None, **kwargs)#

Returns a LinearExpressionGroupBy object for performing grouped operations.

Docstring and arguments are borrowed from xarray.Dataset.groupby

  • group (str, DataArray or IndexVariable) – Array whose unique values should be used to group this array. If a string, must be the name of a variable contained in this dataset.

  • squeeze (bool, optional) – If “group” is a dimension of any arrays in this dataset, squeeze controls whether the subarrays have a dimension of length 1 along that dimension or if the dimension is squeezed out.

  • restore_coord_dims (bool, optional) – If True, also restore the dimension order of multi-dimensional coordinates.


grouped – A LinearExpressionGroupBy containing the xarray groups and ensuring the correct return type.